Salme Sewing patterns

Sewing delicate or bias cut materials

I love using silks, chiffon and other delicate fabrics in my projects, but as lovely as these materials are, they just don’t want to be sewn into neat seams. Either the fabric gets caught in the machine or your seams end up too tight or wavy. It’s always your most cherished silk fabric that the machine decides to eat up!

This trick is useful for bias cut seams but can be used any time a material needs some extra stability.

Simply place some thin paper underneath when sewing (in my case, pages from a Chinese catalogue of some kind! Most phone books and catalogues have the perfect type of paper for this) and watch a temperamental silk turn into a dream to sew.

When finished, gently rip off the paper along both sides and pick out the remaining bits with a set of tweezers.

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